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  • Simple thermo-elastic–plastic models for welding distortion simulation
    Abstract This study presents a number of finite-element {FE} models aimed at illustrating the effect of using different modelling strategies for the simulation of the thermo-elasto-plastic stages
  • FSI analysis in supersonic fluid flow
    Abstract Aerodynamic control surfaces, i.e. fins, are normally high loaded light weight structures subjected to fluid flow. Forminimum weight requirements the fin structure stiffness and the contr
  • Formulation and study of thermal-mechanical coupling for saturated porous media
    Abstract A formulation for the thermo-poro-elasto-plastic coupling analysis is presented, in which the energy balance equation is re-derived based on the concept of free enthalpy. The correspondin
  • The role of finite displacements in vocal fold modeling
    Human vocal folds experience flow-induced vibrations during phonation. Inprevious computational models, the vocal fold dynamics has been treatedwith linear elasticity theory in which both the stra
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