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FSI analysis in supersonic fluid flow

  EADS/LFK, Lenkflugk€oorpersysteme GmbH, 85705 Unterschleißheim, Postfach 1661, Germany
来    源:
  Robert Kroyer
    Aerodynamic control surfaces, i.e. fins, are normally high loaded light weight structures subjected to fluid flow. Forminimum weight requirements the fin structure stiffness and the control actuator system stiffness effects must be includedin the fin design. In high Mach number flow an interaction between the fluid and the structure is a priori unknownand aeroelastic instability effects may occur. For a 2D-fin profile the fluid–structure interaction will beconsidered for an increasing fluid velocity up to Ma 2.0 and for stationary flow conditions at Ma 2.0 using ADINA/ADINA-F.
1. Introduction
    Tremendous advances have been accomplished duringthe recent years in the analysis of coupled problemsfor fluid flow with structural interactions. The basiccapabilities of the analysis methods are presented innumerous papers by Bathe et al. [1–5] and fully implemented in the ADINA system [6,7]. These very powerfulanalysis methods must be applied and incorporated nowinto the engineering design process.For a fin structure, see Fig. 1, subjected by subsonicand supersonic fluid flow the structural behaviour willbe investigated now. The purpose of this investigation isto study the fluid–structure interaction of the fin profilestructure and the fin structure spring support properties with respect to aeroelastic effects considering transientfluid flow conditions up to Ma 2.0 and for stationaryfluid flow conditions at Ma 2.0.The design of fin structures for use in subsonic andsupersonic fluid flow draws on many multidisciplinaryrequirements between aerodynamic, structural mechanics,design and manufacturing knowledge.