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DSI3D - RCS测试案例手册

  Niel Madsen, David Steich, Grant Cook, Bill Erne
来    源:
  Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


The DSDD-RCS code is designed to numerically evaluate radar cross sections on complex objects by solving Maxwell's curl equations in the time-domain and in three space dimensions. The code has been designed to run on the new parallel processing computers as well as on conventional serial computers.

The DSI3D-RCS code has been used to solve the following problems:

        Wedge Cylinder - thin flat metal plate

        Wedge Cylinder with Plate extension - thin flat metal plate

        Plate with Half Cylinder Extension - thin flat metal plate

        Rectangular Plate (Business Card) - thin flat metal plate

        Wedge Cylinder with Gap - thin flat metal plate

        NASA Almond

        Wavelength Circular Cavity